Actually I thought he handled that uncomfortable situation quite well. The question was why wasn't anybody doing something to get Obama out of government and the answer was he was working on doing just that with his campaign for President.
We all know there are a number of vocal people on the fringes on both sides of the political spectrum. There isn't anything you can say or do to dissuade them from thier beliefs and dogma, so why bother to try? Better to keep focus on the issues which are truly important and move the subject of the debate to highlight the distinct differences in the proposed solutions that the two parties have to offer. Let's face it, the differences can't possibly be more stark.
Calling undue attention to what some unknown whack job has to say when a candidate happens to be standing in the room only adds to the noise. I happen to disagree with Santorum on a number of his policy positions, but I doubt very highly Santorum believes Obama is an avowed muslim. Not issuing a public smack down to someone who says diffently doesn't really change that, does it? If this happened in a town meeting with a member of congress who happened to be a Democrat would you be seeing it on CNN or posting it on your blog?
Sorry John, but this sort of distraction is most annoying. We have more important problems to discuss as a nation, don't you agree?
I cannot fathom the anguish these grieving families are experiencing since the Sandy Hook massacre. On this Mother's Day the Sandy Hook Promise foundation has posted an online Mother's Day Card for the mothers of the slain children.
I'm re-posting these comments of my sister in this blog because this is an important subject for discussion (has some dated references). The film in question is Michael Moore's " Sicko " I have always been very interested in health care issues and am wondering where the National proposals will go.. I found this movie helpful to see the testimonies in front of congress, Americans living abroad attitudes about health care in other places and other points about the system.. The new surgeon general mentioned some of these issues about access to health care this week... Thursday, July 16th, 2009 The Movie Channel, this evening, will be airing the Oscar-nominated documentary, "Sicko," Michael Moore's film about a villain known as the health insurance industry. With the debate raging in Washington, D.C. -- Republicans trying to scuttle it, the President trying to hang on to his public option, and nearly a hundred members of Congress pushing for a single-payer s...
On a recent morning walk, my friend John Poltrack suggested that maybe I would have been a better icon to represent the proverbial small business man than the now world famous Joe the Plumber . John the Software Engineer owns his own business, employs people, and pays a good chunk of his business income in taxes. I think I pay too much in taxes, but of course everybody thinks that. I made the mistake one time of sitting down and calculating how much of Big Time Software’s income actually goes out in taxes of way form or another and the answer is a very discouraging 50%. That qualifies as too much in my opinion…and I still consider myself a patriot despite what Joe Biden might think. My business makes more money than Senator Obama seems to think I deserve to keep, so I can look forward to being in his crosshairs to pay even more should he be elected President. I certainly don’t want to attract the scrutiny of the crack investigative media teams that have unearthed every skeleton in p...
We all know there are a number of vocal people on the fringes on both sides of the political spectrum. There isn't anything you can say or do to dissuade them from thier beliefs and dogma, so why bother to try? Better to keep focus on the issues which are truly important and move the subject of the debate to highlight the distinct differences in the proposed solutions that the two parties have to offer. Let's face it, the differences can't possibly be more stark.
Calling undue attention to what some unknown whack job has to say when a candidate happens to be standing in the room only adds to the noise. I happen to disagree with Santorum on a number of his policy positions, but I doubt very highly Santorum believes Obama is an avowed muslim. Not issuing a public smack down to someone who says diffently doesn't really change that, does it? If this happened in a town meeting with a member of congress who happened to be a Democrat would you be seeing it on CNN or posting it on your blog?
Sorry John, but this sort of distraction is most annoying. We have more important problems to discuss as a nation, don't you agree?