Bad customer relations - Cheshire Fence Company of Keene NH

Don't really like to bash a business, but this one stepped out of line with a friend of mine. Watch the video and decide. If the company makes an attempt to alleviate the situation or even to apologize, I will delete this posting and pull the video.


barbiedoright said…
Even fixed, I wonder if the space between the post and the fencing is narrow enough so that the little ones can't get their heads stuck between the fence and the post, or between the post and the side of the house.
Anonymous said…
I would not use this company just based on what you said and I just saw! Coincidently, we are just getting quotes for one to be installed!! I will not be calling Cheshire Fence!!
Diana B said…
I cannot believe these people (the Cheshire Fence Company of Keene NH) are still in business -- I thought the State had laws/regulations concerning pool fences. This company is definitely negligent and should be held accountable for their shoddy workmanship. I hope that they have been reported to the Better Business Bureau and or the Chamber of Commerce.

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