On a recent morning walk, my friend John Poltrack suggested that maybe I would have been a better icon to represent the proverbial small business man than the now world famous Joe the Plumber . John the Software Engineer owns his own business, employs people, and pays a good chunk of his business income in taxes. I think I pay too much in taxes, but of course everybody thinks that. I made the mistake one time of sitting down and calculating how much of Big Time Software’s income actually goes out in taxes of way form or another and the answer is a very discouraging 50%. That qualifies as too much in my opinion…and I still consider myself a patriot despite what Joe Biden might think. My business makes more money than Senator Obama seems to think I deserve to keep, so I can look forward to being in his crosshairs to pay even more should he be elected President. I certainly don’t want to attract the scrutiny of the crack investigative media teams that have unearthed every skeleton in p
Individuals who earn most of their money from dividends pay a low rate on that income, partly because that money has already been taxed at the corporate tax rate of 35%. Add to that the 15% dividend tax and you have one of the highest income tax rates in the world.
Add to this that we're talking about a tax on capital which is the money that goes into growing businesses and creating jobs and you have a policy which is not going to be doing anything to help our economy.
As the President now says, this is not about making a serious attempt to reduce federal debt since the CBO scores the increased revenue at only 0.01% of the federal budget deficit. This is a populist appeal for some sort of social justice in tax policy which actually exacerbates our current economic problems.
What we should be focusing on is real tax reform which lowers tax rates overall and eliminates tax deductions which favor some individuals over others based on government whims. This is the recommendation of the President's blue ribbon deficit reduction committee, which was convened to great fanfare and then duly ignored.