Hands off Google!

Their search engine is superior, they amaze me every day,  I count on my stock holdings to keep me alive in my twilight years. They let me share pictures, send email, host a family web site, write this blog, save my documents, see my GPS history. They provide jobs and delight with their Google Doodles.

I'm not complaining, If they have a monopoly it's because they are superior to the competition!

Tell the FTC to back off!

Link to FTC probe


John Weber said…
Who's hosting your blog John?

I agree...why is the government obsessed with slicing strong competitors off at the knees? Let the market work its magic.

My guess is that Google didn't make a big enough contribution to the Obama reelection campaign.
Poltrack Blog said…
Maybe Google is the "Rearden Metal" of this century. No need to beat up Obama over this, although there may be political reasons. Maybe "Ask Jeeves" wants a comeback.

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