CBS poll on Obama's first year in office

I'm trying to head off a torrent of "reply to all" family emails about a CBS poll which shows how Obama gets a failing grade for his first year in office, so I decided to post the link on this blog so folks can weigh in as they seem fit.

A link to the poll can be found by clicking here.

A disclaimer mentions that it is not a scientific poll, demonstrating how CBS can save money by not hiring a polling agency. It also demonstrates the current state of "journalism"

I think I'll add a poll for myself, not really that hard.

Go ahead, weigh in! I moderate this blog, so be civil.


Cynthia said…
You don't want to know what I think of this president (and he doesn't deserve the capital P) I look back at the Bush bashing which I didn't understand at the time. So much hatred. Let me just say now, I love the billboard of Bush "Do you miss me yet?" To me, that says it all. We are losing our Republic and becoming more and more of a socialistic government. Now gov't student loans? and one world government getting closer and closer. How I do think of Aunt Adeline and how much "Adeline was right!".
John Weber said…
It's sad this is what passes for news these days. First off, tell us something we don't already know. Second don't pass off as fact the result of a meaningless poll.

Journalists are supposed to be the watchdogs of society. As far as I can see, the vast majority have abrogated their responsibility and have become cheerleaders for their own political agenda or just repeat whatever claptrap is handed to them without question.

We live in very unfortunate times.

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