Spammers wall of shame

I usually count on the spam filters to rid myself of junk email. Gmail filters are pretty good but some knuckleheads found a workaround. I get messages to the group that I moderate with business opportunities like:

“Legitimate home business. Make your own hours,No sales, No MLM. No surveys.No tricks, No scams.”

Gee, thanks for that interesting tidbit. Some of these clowns want to join the group so they can share the good news. I report the email addresses to Google Abuse, but so far have only blocked one spammer. The sites referenced claim they are against spam, how ironic.

I’ve decided to post the email addresses of the offenders (these addresses are real, but may be generated by bots) in this posting with the hope that someone knowledgeable in Spamtrap technology can suggest a solution to blocking them.

My wall of shame:


Anonymous said…
"Carl" is still at it. Any suggestions how to stop this entity?

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