Health Care in America

I'm re-posting these comments of my sister in this blog because this is an important subject for discussion (has some dated references). The film in question is Michael Moore's "Sicko"

I have always been very interested in health care issues and am
wondering where the National proposals will go.. I found this movie
helpful to see the testimonies in front of congress, Americans living
abroad attitudes about health care in other places and other points
about the system.. The new surgeon general mentioned some of these
issues about access to health care this week...

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

The Movie Channel, this evening, will be airing the Oscar-nominated
documentary, "Sicko," Michael Moore's film about a villain known as
the health insurance industry. With the debate raging in Washington,
D.C. -- Republicans trying to scuttle it, the President trying to hang
on to his public option, and nearly a hundred members of Congress
pushing for a single-payer system -- showing "Sicko" tonight is very
time......why private insurance companies are never going to side with
what's best for the American people.

"Sicko" airs on The Movie Channel tonight at 8:00 PM. It's also
scheduled to air on The Movie Channel on July 27th at 4:05 PM and on
TMC Xtra on August 2nd at 10:45 PM and August 5th at 2:15 AM and 7:30
AM. Click here for showtimes.


John Weber said…
Ah, there is so much to discuss on this topic...I may be inspired to write a whole series of blog posts. Running a small business makes you acutely aware of how health insurance and healthcare costs are such an important driver in our economy.

Michael Moore is certainly one voice in the debate, but I have to say he is decidedly bent to a specific point of view. I enjoyed his earlier work in “Roger & Me” and even “TV Nation”, but his later films are neither particularly entertaining nor really informative.

I’m much more comfortable speaking to what I've learned through my own personal experience of providing healthcare benefits for our employees. I can also share what I’ve seen firsthand of the healthcare systems in Canada and Germany.

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