Organize those tweets!

Warning! I’m going to be a little geeky here, so you may be excused if you are not interested.

I found myself overwhelmed by the number of “tweets” that appear from folks (and news sources) that I am “following”. The Twitter window is filled with “tweets” rolling in, many are just URL’s to articles from their syndication.

I was looking for a way to filter the tweets from family and friends which frankly is of more interest to me than the daily barrage of bad economic news and impending nuclear doom in Pakistan.

I was pretty happy with a free product called TweetDeck which allows one to create filters and groups based on search criteria, but it does not seem to archive the old “tweets”.

I’ve settled on a free product called "OutTwit" which integrates Twitter and Microsoft Outlook (Microsoft’s full mail program). I was able to create an advanced search criteria for family tweeters based on their user names:


The advanced search command is from: followed by the user name. After creating this filter I was able to collect the relevant tweets into a single folder under outlook. I chose the name Tweets - Family


As you can see I also have a Tweets – Friends folder. This program will only work with Outlook not Outlook Express


TechHit said…

Thank you very much for covering OutTwit! Great tip for organizing tweets.

By the way, you can have multiple "from:" elements in a search. For example, "from:user1 OR from:user2". You could use this trick to fetch all tweets from your family members with a single search.

Please see Step2 on this page for more info - again!

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