Change the world, support Micro loans

Like so many others I am disgusted by the excesses of greed in the investment sector. However, this morning I saw a segment on the local New Hampshire business news that made me smile. It was a segment about a website that facilitates small loans to entrepreneurs throughout the world.  The idea is simple, make small loans to people so they can improve their business and their lives. These are loans and there are risks involved with repayment but the concept appeals to me, helping people better their lives through their own efforts.  I urge everyone to take a look at the site and at least read up a bit on the idea of microfinance

You can find a link right here at


spgarg said…
Good place to vent. I am sick of politics as usual. I think we need to go back to the "olden days" when people did what was right, not what they could get away with. Too many lawyers trying to find loopholes in the laws that lawyers made. If a militant (terrorist) admits to his crimes, why should a defending lawyer try to get him off? Give him the same treatment he (she) gave the innocent victims. Government's duty is to protect the borders, provide for national defense and make for a level business field. Stop the redistribution of wealth.

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