Hey Lula, Don’t Blame Me for this mess!

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown got an earful from the Brazilian President about the current financial crisis.

"This was a crisis that was fostered and boosted by the irrational behavior of people who were white and blue-eyed, who before the crisis they looked like they knew everything about economics, but now have demonstrated they know nothing about economics,"

-- President Lula da Silva of Brazil

I want to assure everyone that I had absolutely nothing to do with this crisis. I know nothing about economics except that my k401 is greatly diminished. My eyes have invoked comments before. In China a few children would call me Gweilo and seemed genuinely afraid of me. My eye color is listed as blue on my driver license, but over time I think it is changing to more of a grey to match my financial mood. It’s hard for me to judge because I’m on the inside looking out. You decide:


Lula, This is all genetically determined

Thanks Maureen for writing an Op-Ed about this:

Blue Eyed Greed


John Weber said…
Ah yes, and Brazil has so much to be proud of on the economic front. From 1964 through 1994, the accumulated inflation rate in Brazil fetched 1,000,000,000,000,000% (that´s one quatrillion percent) !! We'll have that to look forward to in the US soon as Bernanke gets the money presses rolling.

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