Veterans for Obama

I was proud to stand with veterans in Peterborough tonight, awaiting a town hall meeting with John McCain.
Unfortunately the McCain campaign is assumed to be the most "veteran friendly" but nothing can be further from the truth. The misguided war in Iraq is the most egregious example. A war which was supported by McCain and opposed by Obama. As we have learned over time the 9-11 attacks had nothing to do with Iraq and that war seemed to have something to do with George Bush proving something to his father or some other psycho-drama. But I digress, standing and chatting with other veterans I was struck with how they were only there to demonstrate that it is possible to be patriotic without yelling and spouting meaningless chants about "Support our troops" without backing them up with actions. The Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America report card gave Barack Obama an "B" and John McCain a "D" for their congressional support of veteran issues. This war has brought such misery to so many people and the men I was with understood that cost.

As we stood in quiet testimony, an Uncle Sam on stilts wandered by who expoused some nonsense on genetic defects of Barack Obama. It was quite amazing to witness and shows the level of animonity that has occurred in this campaign. Uncle Sam of all people!

It would have been impossible to attend the meeting because the crowd was preselected, but I did watch it at home. I was happy to see that McCain in New Hampshire had returned to a level of civility not seen in the recent "events". I got the feeling we were seeing Gollum showing his Hobbit nature after breaking away from the Rovian spell that he has been afflicted by.

As I have posted in earlier blogs, I liked the McCain of 2000 before he was savaged by the very folks he hired for this outing. He showed some class tonight, but Obama is the better choice.


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