Vote for Competence this time around

After 8 years of stellar incompetence, isn't it time for a change? I was very pleased to see that Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president. His words are quite moving as he describes his reasoning for this decision. Hopefully this will have some sway with retired military, older voters and other folks that may actually believe "hate radio" and robo-calls. As I described in earlier posts, I liked the McCain 2000 brand when he was running against "W". It is truly sad that he has adopted their tactics and message. Here is a link to the endorsement video:


spgarg said…
The only one of the candidates who has any proven competence is Sarah. She has run a state and is one of the most liked governors. The other three, BO, JB and JM have never run anything (except a campaign.) Powell was the one who got us into the Iraq war with his moving presentation at the UN. More generals and admirals endorse JM. CP's endorsement has no sway with this retired, old, military voter. I don't want to pay more in taxes, and I am not in BO's top tier, but know that he has his sights set on my income, since I am not a "worker", but a retiree. I rely on my savings and capital gains, which BO has said he will tax more.

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