Plan a Victory Garden for 2009

I'm a great believer in the phrase "Think Globally, Act Locally". We are facing all types of challenges as a nation.   I've been growing a garden for 0ver 35 years, mostly as a means of getting fresh vegetables and learning about plants.

Many of my friends and family grow a garden. In World War II these were called "Victory Gardens" and the impetus came from no less than the first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who established a garden at the white house. In 1943 Americans planted over 20 million Victory Gardens and the harvest accounted ofr nearly a third of the vergetables consumed in that year.

I dedicated a bit of the front lawn to tomatoes these last 2 years and realized after a disappointing crop that I need to initiate some crop rotation. I will be ADDING more garden space and REMOVING more useless lawn.

I was heartened to read a great open letter by Michael Pollard describing what the next president can and should do to remake the way we grow and eat our food. The link is "Farmer in Chief".

Michael Pollan was interviewed on "Fresh Air" and I listened to the podcast. It may be heard a this link "Food As A National Security Issue"


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