Why am I fixing the attic stairs?

I thought of a song by Lou and Peter Berryman yesterday. I finally tackled my broken attic stairs chore which I have been avoiding for weeks. I chose Saturday because the weather prediction was for heavy rains. Once this task was underway with the help of my friend and I found myself in the attic, the sun broke through the clouds, the temperature soared and spring made it's appearance. In the confines of the attic I could hear the birds singing, flowers blooming and somewhere a bluegrass band playing along a bay. Here is segment of the lyrics.

"...Holes in the ozone the size of Brazil
Barges of trash in the chewable breeze
Pools of industrial wasteland paté
Sulfur dioxide dissolving the trees
Pretty soon it will all end with a boom
Why am I painting the living room?
I have the whole day off
Cause it's a Saturday
There is a bluegrass band
Somewhere along the bay
Look at the lilacs bloom
Why am I painting the living room?..."


Anonymous said…
Great lyrics! Appropriate for this spring fixin' and cleanin' time of the year. Chris just completed the task of painting out entire bedroom and getting rid of a very 'ole rug and putting together a piece of Ikea(tall bookshelf, just can't part with some of those written texts and of course song books!)....hope he has the good sense of accomplishment and renewal that some feel when the spring tasks are done....'cuz Lisa

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