Tai-Chi at Work

One of the benefits of working with computer engineers is meeting a number of interesting individuals from various cultures. When I worked on Spitbrook Road in Nashua, NH for Digital, twice a week we would start our day with a Tai-Chi long form in the parking lot. Tai-Chi is relaxing and strenuous at the same time, it is wonderful. It was great practicing outside as long as the weather cooperated. Later I ended up back in Massachusetts and discovered another lunchtime group that would practice in a conference room. That group was led by Taichun Pan, a software engineer. I knew he was a good teacher but didn't realize what a good musician he is. It was just a matter of time till he appeared on a YouTube courtesy of a local Boston show "Asian Focus".


I was sent these links from a co-worker who is also a musician and practitioner of martial arts (with swords no less). On Spitbrook Road we did a brief stint with swords and I got to meet security one morning (Note: The swords are useless as weapons). Enjoy the videos


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