
Showing posts from November, 2012

I'm thankful that the election season is over

On Thanksgiving I realized that I wasn't receiving nightly polling calls or throwing out reams of political mailers. New Hampshire did double political duty as the first-in-the-nation primary and one of the few "swing states". I suppose I should be grateful for the media and hotel income, but all the money that was spent could have gone to build several schools and hospitals. We still have some lone campaign signs, such as this Romney/Ryan sign placed square in a patch of conservation land. I was happy to see Obama win. Some folks were not. I suspect they disliked Obama more than they embraced Romney. I spotted this Black American Flag in New Ipswich.

Did I mention how much I love electricity?

When I was building repulsion coils, it really was a warm up to build an electromagnetic levitation device. I'm glad to see that has been done.

All I want for Christmas is my skeleton in plastic


Bouncing water droplets

I don't know why I found this so fascinating, maybe it is watching anything in slow motion.

Power to the people!

I feel so bad for the folks in New York and New Jersey who remain without power. CNN did a segment showing an 70 year old woman haul water up 6 flights of stairs. I feel winded at about 5 flights, and I'm younger than she is. We were out of power during the ice storm in 2008 for 12 days, but it felt like a month. Hopefully power will be restored soon and these folks can get back to their daily routines.

It's over folks!

No more phone calls, no more daily political mailings, no more TV ads. Thank goodness. New Hampshire now has an All-Female Delegation ! Congratulations! US Congresswoman Annie Kuster in New Ipswich:

Climate Change

Bite your lip and wait for applause. Very funny Mr Romney, very droll.