
Showing posts from July, 2009

Sarah Palin, Beat Poet?

This was just too good, I had to share this.

Paving America with your money

I was happy to see that our state was able to get the relatively cheap $500 signs for our local American Recovery and Reinvestment Act paving project, unlike some of the other states. On my ride to Peterborough, I was greeted with this. At least half of my ride was smooth sailing. The signs cost $500 apiece in Maryland and New Hampshire, $1,700 in Georgia, $2,000 in Pennsylvania and New York, and $3,000 per project in New Jersey. Our Senator Judd Gregg railed on a bit about this on a ABC News Video spot in spite of getting bargain priced signage. Geez! I love the smell of fresh asphalt in the morningā€¦ it smells like ā€œRecoveryā€.

Hi, itā€™s John Poltrack for {insert product here}

How would you like to have your Facebook profile photos used to advertise a product to your friends? Isnā€™t that a fun way to sell products? You probably didnā€™t realize that you agreed to this chicanery, but you did (yes you did!). You can un-agree to this by going to your profile and ā€¦. Settings -> Privacy -> News Feed and Wall -> Facebook Ads ā€“> (Appearance in Facebook Ads) and click " no one ." Will they use your photo? Read this posting on Download Squad .

Health Care in America

I'm re-posting these comments of my sister in this blog because this is an important subject for discussion (has some dated references). The film in question is Michael Moore's " Sicko " I have always been very interested in health care issues and am wondering where the National proposals will go.. I found this movie helpful to see the testimonies in front of congress, Americans living abroad attitudes about health care in other places and other points about the system.. The new surgeon general mentioned some of these issues about access to health care this week... Thursday, July 16th, 2009 The Movie Channel, this evening, will be airing the Oscar-nominated documentary, "Sicko," Michael Moore's film about a villain known as the health insurance industry. With the debate raging in Washington, D.C. -- Republicans trying to scuttle it, the President trying to hang on to his public option, and nearly a hundred members of Congress pushing for a single-payer s...

Please no rain on July 15th, weā€™ve had enough!

St. Swithin's day if thou dost rain For forty days it will remain St. Swithin's day if thou be fair For forty days 'twill rain nae mair (no more) St. Swithinā€™s day is July 15th. I think it has already rained for 40 days and 40 nights. It is raining now. I understand the weather is quite nice in London and Seattle. Is this a result of global warming?