Let’s face it, we don’t build stuff anymore. Our economy is in free fall but we are really only good at finding ways to be distracted. I’m as open to distractions as anyone else so I’m onboard with all the micro-blogging tools (as well as traditional blogs and forums). I tweet, blog, set facebook status, chat, GTalk, Communicate with Communicator, but I no longer Jabber. I’m LinkdIn, connected to my Facebook friends, EONS bound, but no Classmates for me… they ask for $$ So how does one deal with all this? Obviously you need a social aggregator program. I’m using Digsby . The CEO of Twitter was on CSpan last night. He did not inspire awe. The audience looked comatose. I bet they were twittering each other. He mentioned that Twitter has a good search function but it is difficult to find. Can’t search for the search, amusing isn’t it? So what does a techno-geek do? Add more software of course. I now have TweetDeck running besides Digsby and Skype. Tweetdeck has search, TwitPic a...