
Showing posts from July, 2013

Here we go again, an open rant to vandals

What is the story about vandalism in New Ipswich? If you don't like it here, get the hell out. Believe me you won't be missed. Burning tires, trashing the pool. What is the matter with you? It's bad enough we have to pick up twisted tea bottles and cans on our morning walk but setting fire to a porta-potty that was provided for kids to use on a ball field?  Don't you like kids? What is wrong with you people? When I first came to this town, we used to swim at the beach across from River Road. The land owners were okay with that and then some jerks decided to break some bottle on the beach. How brilliant is that? Guess what? no more swimming. I repeat, if you are unhappy with our town, if it doesn't meet your expectations, a whole world awaits you. Latest escapade at the ball field near Damsite 35 Previous attack on a venerable Porta-Potty

Bodyform Maxipad responds

 Video is a response to this Facebook Posting by Richard Neill.

How cool is this... really how cool is this

Remember when you put baseball cards or balloons in your spokes for an effect. Imagine how cool that would be with LED and computer technology?

Roswell New Mexico - July 8, 1947

One of my all time favorite news events happened 66 years ago today RAAF Captures Flying Sauce On Ranch in Roswell Region Naturally Google found a clever way to commemorate the event with a Doodle. I had to cheat because I'm not good with games.

Shame on Goodwill - Look for alternatives

Just saying, how can you justify a six figure salary when you pay your workers less than $1 an hour? I'm looking for alternatives like the Vietnam Veterans of America