
Showing posts from May, 2012

Frost Heaves

More Local Humor

Hangouts on air

There are some Hangouts that I have wanted to attend that featured photography topics. Sadly since these are held usually when I was at work, it was inconvenient to schedule the time. I'm glad to see that they can now be recorded for replay. This might be a real boon for online music lessons and collaboration too! Well done Google, well done!


How about a football analogy?

The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes , Political Humor & Satire Blog , Video Archive

Ben Heine - Visual Artist

Check out his website for his other work

VJ Day - August 14, 1945 - Hawaii

241st Signal Ops Co - Camp Beale, CA - 1943

In May or June of 1943, my dad was stationed at Camp Beale, CA. He was part of the 241st Signal Opns Co. that eventually was sent to Okinawa and Korea. Sadly official government records of his service were lost in a fire as many other WWII veterans. Recently I learned from a WWII vet of that a group photo had been taken of the entire company. Since I have a blog, a G+ account, a Facebook account, I figured I would post a message and see if anyone can give me some direction to locate this photo or any other information about the 241st. There are several WWII websites which are excellent, but so far I haven't made much progress in my search, however I have great faith in the collective mind of the internet. Thanks to all the WWII vets for their service.