Let's tell the truth about Social Security
My peaceful Sunday morning was turned upside-down when I read an infuriating article in our local newspaper by the so called "Reader Advocate". Here's a link to the original: http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080727/UNKNOWN/657066284 Fixing Social Security is something I have been advocating long before it became a common topic of conversation since I had become involved with the work of the Concord Coalition. The article prompted me to produce the following rebuttal which I sent to the paper this morning: To the Editors: There is much to object to in Gary Vincent’s Sunday column (“Deciding what is news more art than science”, Nashua Telegraph, 7/27/2008). To enumerate them all would probably take more words than the original column and exceed the reasonable length of a letter, so I’ll focus on the most infuriating of them. In his column, Mr. Vincent offers some analysis of John McCain’s proposals to fix the funding of Social Security over the l...